The Garrick Club Collections
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/ Ceramics
234 items found
You are browsing the Ceramics collection
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M0254 Shakespeare Mug
M0234 Mug depicting Garrick's house at Hampton
M0233 Bronze portrait plaque of Henry Irving
M0232 Henry Irving commemorative medal
M0231 Leeds pottery plaque of Henry Irving
Wedgwood, Josiah 1730-1795
M0219 Wedgwood cameo of David Garrick
M0218 pearlware figure of John Liston as 'Van Dunder'
M0217 Pearlware figure of Madame Vestris as the Broom Girl
M0214 Wedgwood Shakespeare Plate
Minton, Hollins & Co.
M0213 David Garrick Roundel
Mug with Charles Macklin and Henry Woodward
M0207 Mug with Charles Macklin and Henry Woodward
Mug with William Shakespeare
Royal Worcester
M0206 Mug with William Shakespeare
c 1770-1780
Lucia Elizabeth Vestris
M0205 Lucia Elizabeth Vestris
William Shakespeare
Derby Porcelain
M0198 William Shakespeare
John Liston
M0197 John Liston
Fat Boy
Royal Doulton
M0193 Joe, or the" Fat Boy"
Susanna Maria Cibber
Derby Porcelain
M0192 Susanna Maria Cibber
David Garrick
Derby Porcelain
M0191 David Garrick
John Liston as Sam Swipes
Rockingham pottery
M0190 John Liston as Sam Swipes
Charley's Aunt figure
Royal DoultonToft, Albert
M0187 Charley's Aunt figure
Plate showing David Garrick's villa at Hampton
M0180 Plate showing David Garrick's villa at Hampton
Unknown man
HM064 Unknown man
c 1900
Unknown man
HM063 Unknown man
c 1920
Ralph Lynn
HM062 Ralph Lynn
c 1930
Tom Walls
HM061 Tom Walls
c 1930
Unknown man
HM060 Unknown man
c 1890
William Penley
HM059 William Penley
c 1913-1936
John Liston
HM058 John Liston
c 1840
John Liston
HM057 John Liston
John Liston
HM056 John Liston
c 1840
Unknown man
HM055 Unknown man
c 1850
Unknown actor and actress
HM054 Unknown actor and actress
c 1865
John Liston
HM053 John Liston
c 1825
John Liston
HM052 John Liston
c 1825
John Liston
HM051 John Liston
c 1850
John Liston
HM050 John Liston
c 1825
Unknown man
HM049 Unknown man
c 1825
John Palmer
HM048 John Palmer
c 1835-40
Joseph George Holman
HM047 Joseph George Holman
c 1840
Unknown man
HM046 Unknown man
c 1890
Unknown man
HM045 Unknown man
c 1890
Unknown man
HM044 Unknown man
c 1890
Unknown actor
HM043 Unknown actor
c 1890
Unknown man
HM042 Unknown man
c 1890
Unknown actor and actress
HM041 Unknown actor and actress
c 1860
David Garrick
HM040 David Garrick
c 1880
Edward Sothern
William Kent Ltd. (Burslem, England)
HM039 Edward Sothern
c 1900
Edward Sothern
HM038 Edward Sothern
c 1860s
Thomas Abthorpe Cooper
HM036 Thomas Abthorpe Cooper
c 1850
Elizabeth Poole
HM035 Elizabeth Poole
c 1855
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