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Taylor, Harriet Deborah

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Born in London in 1807, the daughter of a tradesman, Harriette Taylor first appeared at the Bath Theatre in November 1827 and quickly became popular, playing such roles as Julia in "The Rivals", Portia in "The Merchant of Venice" and Lady Macbeth. On October 30 1830 she made her London debut at Covent Garden as Nina in "Carnival of Naples". She was successful as Rosalind in "As You Like It" and in other roles. After acting under Ben Webster’s management at the Haymarket in 1837, she went back to Covent Garden in August 1838 to act under Macready’s management. She played Lady Teazle in "The School for Scandal", a production in which Charles Surface was acted by Walter Lacy, whom she soon married, and now acting as Mrs Lacy she played a series of capital roles in comedy and tragedy. She excelled as Juliet in "Romeo and Juliet" and in the title role of Jerrold’s "Nell Gwynne". She made her farewell from the stage at the Olympic in 1848 and died in Brighton on 28 July 1874. (DNB)
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