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Paintings: G1218


watercolour of an open air performance


Irving, Laurence


height: 29.2cm
width: 40.4cm

Other number


Watercolour and gouache painting by Laurence Henry Foster Irving of an open air performance.

Laurence Irving (1897-1988) was the grandson of the actor Sir Henry Irving and was a painter, illustrator, designer and author. After being awarded the Croix de Guerre in the First World War, Irving went onto study at Byam Shaw School of Art and the Royal Academy. He spent some time in Hollywood where he was art director for the film 'The man in the Iron Mask', starring Douglas Fairbanks. In 1931 he became involved in designing scenery for such productions as Maugham's 'The circle' and 'Good companions'. After the Second World War, during which he served in intelligence and the Air Ministry, he produced and was art director for 'Uncle Silas' in 1947. Laurence Irving also wrote a biography of his grandfather, Sir Henry Irving.
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